At KVHS our GATE program is for Gifted and talented 9th grade students. To enter the program a student must be designated GATE by the Kern High School District, or they must be enrolled in one or more GATE classes. The program is designed to help gifted students prepare for college, and they are connected to our GATE coursework which includes enrollment in one or more of the following freshman classes: GP Geometry, GP English, or GP Spanish. The KVHS staff operating this program are Mr. Meyers, Mr. Bell, Mrs. Chappell., Mrs. Woodward, Ms. Horacek, and Mr. Schultz. There 25+ specific events that each student must complete, and the program is managed inside this Google Classroom. Upon the completion of the GATE STEPS TO SUCCESS and the appropriate coursework the students can earn eligibility for our Honors and AP programs at KVHS. We are always looking for more qualified GATE students to enter the program. https://sites.google.com/a/kernhigh.org/nathanschultz/home/kvhs-gate